
A Labor of Love

5.000 photographs and several web pages later, I come to realize that I must be in love. Click on the image below to see an index of the most recent pages.

click to see the page index

l bet you are saying 5.000 photographs...yeah sure, yes it's hard to imagine I know, so I have include here an list of the 1059 photos taken to create the last page "Moods". Click on the thumbnail below if you dare, it is a 10 meg file size, a complete list of the photographs taken.

click see an enlargement

In the Da Vinci Underwater Gardens folder there are over 1500 photos, below is a detail from number 673. This photograph has not been retouched or altered in any way. When you take alot of pictures sometimes you capture something extraordinary (click on the image to see an enlargement).

click see an enlargement



The "Muse" folder contains 1369 photos, again there were  some unexpected surprises in these shots. This strange refection of Ariels face inspired me to dedicate an entire page to this one picture that is filled with strange iconographic parallels. (click here to see this page)

Some of the photographs seem as though they might be actually paintings, certainly I can imagine myself  attempting to do this one below, in oil...

click to enlarge

... and some could be likened to the paintings of Alberto Vargas, click here to see this page, a labor of Love!

photographics by L A Miller


Photographics by L. A. Miller

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